Monday, March 31, 2014

"Do not touch" is just what we want

Many smartphone users are already familiar with no-touch technology thanks to voice recognition software integrated into their wireless devices. Smartphone users use apps like Google Now on Android and Siri on iOS for hands-free access to endless amounts of information. With advances in sensors and cameras, no-touch interfaces and devices will only continue to be integrated into daily life.

Many Smartphone manufacturer are taking all kinds of initiative to incorporate touchless features, with each device enabling users to browse through picture galleries or answer a phone call by just waving a hand over the smartphone screen. The Galaxy series from Samsung also has Smart Scroll, which detects eyes and scrolls web pages based on the angle the user tilts his or her head.

Gesture technology is also featured in products like Kinect for Xbox. To expand this functionality to computers, Kinect for Windows was created and uses software and sensors. One app for Kinect for Windows allows surgeons to use gestures to control medical images and scans on computers, eliminating time lost when using unsterilized computers then having to scrub up again. Intel has developed a gesture-sensing device using conventional and infrared cameras, microphones and software to enable apps on computers to track a person’s fingers, recognize faces, infer emotions and interpret words spoken in nine languages.

We can also see that there are several sensory controllers being used when you play any game in Xbox. It very much common among kids and they are really liking it. It brings a feeling about the virtual world that exists and being uphold-ed by the technology. 

With the latest developments in the field of technology it is very much important to keep yourself updated and now we see this touch screen to be pretty much difficult to handle specially for older people. So to me I feel that this technology of no touch interface is just the thing which is required for them so that it becomes very much easy to surf through your phone. Though it is not popular among the youths because the no touch interface has these bugs which yet has been unsolved. 

The problems that lies within this technology is the confusion about similar words and also people have their own ability of speaking in a different way. So the phones does not recognize for most of the time or if they do it may be a different word. Therefore due to such reasons the developers are coming up with different methods where there can be several ways of detecting a word. 

The future now will not be in your hand rather it will be in such a stage where we will control by words. We often hear of talking about changing the world, the revolution has started and we people are going to control it.